SRC encodes the c-SRC proto-oncogene, a non-receptor tyrosine protein kinase implicated in cell cycle control, cytokinesis, cell survival/ proliferation and migration/motility. Furthermore, c-SRC has been strongly correlated with a variety of human malignancies including colorectal and breast cancer among others. The c-SRC protein consists of a N-terminal myristolation sequence, important for membrane localization and subsequent functionality, followed by an unique SH4 domain, a SH3 domain, a SH2 domain, a linker to the protein-tyrosine kinase domain and a C-terminal regulatory domain. c-SRC is closely related to nine additional non-receptor tyrosine kinases that share homology with c-SRC, the SRC Family Kinases (SFK), which exert similar functions and are also implicated in human cancers.
GeneCards OncoKB My Cancer Genome