JUN是致癌基因,编码蛋白是c-Jun蛋白,是一种参与各种细胞过程的转录因子,包括细胞增殖,分化,存活和迁移。JUN与FOS基因家族成员复合二聚化形成激活蛋白1(AP-1)转录因子。AP-1复合物通过对多个下游靶基因(包括p53、cyclin D1和EGFR)的转录调控来调节细胞过程,包括分化、增殖和凋亡。反之,c-Jun受磷酸化调节,特别是通过JNK、p38和WNT信号通路介导的,用于指导细胞增殖、分化、存活和迁移过程。AP-1是多个实验模型中的强有力的转化因子,尽管在特定的背景具有抗癌作用。在乳腺癌细胞系和脂肪肉瘤种观察到c-Jun扩增。
JUN gene encodes the c-Jun protein that forms the Activator protein 1 (AP-1) transcription factor complexdimerization with FOS gene-family members. The AP-1 complex regulates a plethora of cellular process including differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis through transcriptional control of several downstream target genes, including p53, cyclin D1 and EGFR.In its turn, c-Jun is regulated by phosphorylation, mediated in particularl by the JNK, p38 and WNT signaling pathways for directing cell proliferation, differentiation, survival and migration processes. AP-1 is a potent transforming factor in multiple experimental models, although anit-oncogenic effects have also been described in specific contexts. Although a direct oncogenic role for AP-1 has not been described in human tumors, mechanisms for a putative role have been explored in for example breast cancer cell lines and models of liposarcoma, a tumor type in which c-Jun amplification has been observed.
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