CD79A是致癌基因,CD79A编码蛋白是一种表面免疫球蛋白,与CD79b形成复合物,并构成B细胞受体(BCR)的一部分。CD79A从B细胞发育的早期阶段表达直到分化为浆细胞之前的成熟的最后阶段。CD79A / CD79B复合物对于将抗原与BCR结合产生的信号传递到细胞中以支持B细胞成熟和存活起重要作用。编码蛋白与BCR-配体相互作用后,CD79A和CD79B被SRC家族激酶磷酸化和活化,导致影响B细胞成熟的下游致癌信号级联的活化。在弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤中已经检测到CD79A的激活突变,特别是活化的B细胞样亚型。这种畸变导致BCR信号传导增加和BCR的配体非依赖性聚集,导致B细胞存活和分化增强。
CD79A is a surface immunoglobulin protein that forms a complex with CD79B and composes part of the B-cell receptor (BCR). CD79A is expressed from an early stage of B-cell development until the final stage of maturation prior to differentiation into plasma cells. The CD79A/CD79B complex is important for transmitting signals generated by antigen binding to the BCR into the cell to support B-cell maturation and survival. Following BCR-ligand interaction, CD79A and CD79B are phosphorylated and activated by SRC family kinases leading to activation of downstream oncogenic signaling cascades that affect B-cell maturation. Activating mutations in CD79A have been identified in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, particularly the activated B-cell-like subtype, suggesting that CD79A acts as an oncogene. Such aberrations result in increased BCR signaling and ligand-independent clustering of BCRs, resulting in enhanced B-cell survival and differentiation. Antibody-drug conjugates targeting CD79A/B and inhibitors targeting SRC activity, such as dasatinib, can reduce BCR signaling.
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